I am a multi-disciplinary artist and designer living and working in New York.
My twenties and thirties were primarily focused on illustration and graphic design, as
I studied these disciplines in addition to art. The evolution of my art has centered on fiber art and textiles. These take the form of woven art-to-wear, sculpture, wall hangings and more traditional applications, as scarves and clothing. In addition to the woven medium,
I am also creating one-of-a-kind silk clothing reassembled from antique kimono fabric.
Exhibition List:
April 2013 Tenri Cultural Institute of New York
SAORI: Misao’s Dream: a group exhibit of woven art, wall hangings, and clothing
April 2013 RAW: Marvel, Brooklyn New York
Premiered “Woven Anatomy: Weaving the Inside Out” at this art and fashion showcase
November 2012 The Nave Gallery, Massachusetts
Threads Bared: a group exhibition of fiber-inspired work, featuring my piece, Philomela II
June 2012 Underground Gallery / London Underground
Underground exhibition featuring my woven anatomy piece, “Winged Victory”
June 2012 The heART of Iran
Group exhibition of Iranian art at the State Capitol of California
2009 Abrons Art Center/Henry Street Settlement
Waterfall: a group exhibit of woven wall hangings
2007 The Rubelle and Norman Schafler Gallery
Perspicuous: a group exhibit based on the philosophy
of Ludwig Wittgenstein
2007 Gallery 1482
Recent works: wall hangings and paintings
2006 The Rubelle and Norman Schafler Gallery
Pratt Insitute faculty exhibition
2006 The Society of Illustrators
Hurricane Katrina benefit exhibition
Artists Wanted: Year in Review 2012
“Winged Victory” anatomical weaving is chosen in the Top 100 Finalists category
National Museum of Women in the Arts 2007
The Lady of Shallot artist book becomes part of NMWA’s permanent collection
and is featured in the second edition of the museum publication, The Book as Art
Pratt Institute and Parsons School of Design 1998-2008
Visiting artist lectures and professorship in the undergraduate communication
design departments